Two years on, and a whole heap of therapy later, - (believe me, you don’t want to know ! At least, not now – it would spoil your day.) - Big H has finally made real progress and last weekend blossomed in the showring.
It wasn’t actually his showing debut. We took him to an indoor show just after he first arrived, which rather bemused him. Then 18 months ago, we took him and Miraed to a little local show, in a riding school field, to do some in-hand classes for experience. It was not a success, despite H winning the Handsome Horse class. The plan was that Miraed- by this time an old hand at showing - would settle H and give him confidence. Wrong. Big mistake. All that happened was the two of them bonded like hayseeds to velcro and then kicked up and unholy commotion whenever we tried to prize them more than two inches apart. They caused havoc in the ring, nearly trampled the judge, scattered spectators wherever we went and generally made us the least popular kids on the block. Ah, the joys of ex-racers !
Soon afterwards Big H started with his foot and back troubles ( full story later – promise) which led to him having virtually a whole year off to recover. So, it was only last weekend that Big H finally made it to another show – and this time it was just him and me ! I had no idea how he would behave, since he is a very sensitive horse and can get panicky when he’s on his own. There was only one way to find out.
We got off to an excellent start. He’s always good to catch, but this show morning he was actually laid down when I went to fetch him from the field, and made no attempt to get up till I had the headcollar on him and asked him to stir himself, if he wouldn’t mind. He then walked calmly round to the yard with me without a care in the world. No running-round-catch-me-if-you-can games from him – that’s Miraed’s speciality. When it came to loading into the horsebox, he walked up and in without a murmur. He whinnied a couple of times as we set off, but once I’d reassured him he tucked into his haynet and travelled quietly, even though on his own.
Despite H being so totally obliging, I messed up the timing and we arrived at the show late. The Thoroughbred In-Hand class was just going into the ring. ( I hate being late – so why is it I so often am ?) I splashed a dab of hoof-oil on H’s feet, crammed my hot-and-bothered personage into my showing kit, and tumbled H off the lorry. We almost entered the showring with his tail bandage still on and my tie over my ear. ( NOT the recommended way to proceed.)
Despite all this, Big H was a perfect gentleman, and strolled round like a complete pro. No prancing, barging or spooking, no stubbornness , no scowling and grizzling – just relaxed but interested, ears pricked and handsome, and doing everything he was asked without any fuss at all – even standing, which is not usually his strong point. In fact, the exact opposite of Miraed ! Despite us being late in, and H having some raggy plaits and no quartermarks, the judge gave us third. I was delighted, but to be honest, I was so thrilled with H’s behaviour, I wouldn’t have minded if we’d come 99th !
Then I just had time to spray H with some Showsheen and tidy his plaits ( and my wonky tie ) and we were back in the ring for the Handsome Horse class. And just to prove it wasn’t a fluke, H behaved beautifully once again, and seemed to be enjoying himself with this new type of experience. He even stood perfectly square when asked, and smiled nicely at the judge – who told him he was ‘gorgeous’ and gave him second place. (Discerning lady, that judge !)
So then we had to have the photo-shoot, with two big rosettes fluttering from H’s bridle. (This in itself would be a new experience for an ex-racehorse, so if you intend to be successful showing yours, get some practice in at home for pinning on all those rosettes you are going to win.) Now, Miraed has this reflex action whenever she spots a camera – ears back, swish tail, rest hind leg and adopt foul/bored-to-death expression. But not H. He posed like a star. Hence these nice photos I can post here.
I had no intentions of entering H in the ridden class this time. He’s just not quite ready for that yet, and I wanted this outing to be relaxed and stress-free for him. But, seeing as he was so very chilled out, I decided to saddle him up and potter round the showground a bit. He tensed as soon as the saddle went on, and jogged a bit at first. He quickly relaxed though, and we strolled around saying hello to the lunching judges, the secretary’s caravan, the litter bin, the practice jumps, the jumping blackboard and a tiny spotted pony the like of which he’d never seen before. He seemed to take an enjoyable interest in all of it and never spooked once.
Chuffed to bits, I ended on this good note and called it a day. Miraed can be a baggage to load; it can take several hours, sackfuls of feed, a natural horsemanship expert and a cast of thousands to help…..Big H just hopped in first time. And once again he travelled well. Despite a bit of noisy fuss when we stopped to refuel, he arrived home calm and cool.
So that’s my lovely Big H. What a star ! Despite his lack of experience at it, he gave me the easiest day’s showing I’ve had in a long while, and lots of fun – and rosettes as well. Who said ex-racehorses are difficult ? Ok, so it wasn’t Horse Of The Year Show – and never will be, with us. But whatever placings we do or don’t get in the future, Big H will always be Supreme Champion to me.
It wasn’t actually his showing debut. We took him to an indoor show just after he first arrived, which rather bemused him. Then 18 months ago, we took him and Miraed to a little local show, in a riding school field, to do some in-hand classes for experience. It was not a success, despite H winning the Handsome Horse class. The plan was that Miraed- by this time an old hand at showing - would settle H and give him confidence. Wrong. Big mistake. All that happened was the two of them bonded like hayseeds to velcro and then kicked up and unholy commotion whenever we tried to prize them more than two inches apart. They caused havoc in the ring, nearly trampled the judge, scattered spectators wherever we went and generally made us the least popular kids on the block. Ah, the joys of ex-racers !
Soon afterwards Big H started with his foot and back troubles ( full story later – promise) which led to him having virtually a whole year off to recover. So, it was only last weekend that Big H finally made it to another show – and this time it was just him and me ! I had no idea how he would behave, since he is a very sensitive horse and can get panicky when he’s on his own. There was only one way to find out.
We got off to an excellent start. He’s always good to catch, but this show morning he was actually laid down when I went to fetch him from the field, and made no attempt to get up till I had the headcollar on him and asked him to stir himself, if he wouldn’t mind. He then walked calmly round to the yard with me without a care in the world. No running-round-catch-me-if-you-can games from him – that’s Miraed’s speciality. When it came to loading into the horsebox, he walked up and in without a murmur. He whinnied a couple of times as we set off, but once I’d reassured him he tucked into his haynet and travelled quietly, even though on his own.
Despite H being so totally obliging, I messed up the timing and we arrived at the show late. The Thoroughbred In-Hand class was just going into the ring. ( I hate being late – so why is it I so often am ?) I splashed a dab of hoof-oil on H’s feet, crammed my hot-and-bothered personage into my showing kit, and tumbled H off the lorry. We almost entered the showring with his tail bandage still on and my tie over my ear. ( NOT the recommended way to proceed.)
Despite all this, Big H was a perfect gentleman, and strolled round like a complete pro. No prancing, barging or spooking, no stubbornness , no scowling and grizzling – just relaxed but interested, ears pricked and handsome, and doing everything he was asked without any fuss at all – even standing, which is not usually his strong point. In fact, the exact opposite of Miraed ! Despite us being late in, and H having some raggy plaits and no quartermarks, the judge gave us third. I was delighted, but to be honest, I was so thrilled with H’s behaviour, I wouldn’t have minded if we’d come 99th !
Then I just had time to spray H with some Showsheen and tidy his plaits ( and my wonky tie ) and we were back in the ring for the Handsome Horse class. And just to prove it wasn’t a fluke, H behaved beautifully once again, and seemed to be enjoying himself with this new type of experience. He even stood perfectly square when asked, and smiled nicely at the judge – who told him he was ‘gorgeous’ and gave him second place. (Discerning lady, that judge !)
So then we had to have the photo-shoot, with two big rosettes fluttering from H’s bridle. (This in itself would be a new experience for an ex-racehorse, so if you intend to be successful showing yours, get some practice in at home for pinning on all those rosettes you are going to win.) Now, Miraed has this reflex action whenever she spots a camera – ears back, swish tail, rest hind leg and adopt foul/bored-to-death expression. But not H. He posed like a star. Hence these nice photos I can post here.
I had no intentions of entering H in the ridden class this time. He’s just not quite ready for that yet, and I wanted this outing to be relaxed and stress-free for him. But, seeing as he was so very chilled out, I decided to saddle him up and potter round the showground a bit. He tensed as soon as the saddle went on, and jogged a bit at first. He quickly relaxed though, and we strolled around saying hello to the lunching judges, the secretary’s caravan, the litter bin, the practice jumps, the jumping blackboard and a tiny spotted pony the like of which he’d never seen before. He seemed to take an enjoyable interest in all of it and never spooked once.
Chuffed to bits, I ended on this good note and called it a day. Miraed can be a baggage to load; it can take several hours, sackfuls of feed, a natural horsemanship expert and a cast of thousands to help…..Big H just hopped in first time. And once again he travelled well. Despite a bit of noisy fuss when we stopped to refuel, he arrived home calm and cool.
So that’s my lovely Big H. What a star ! Despite his lack of experience at it, he gave me the easiest day’s showing I’ve had in a long while, and lots of fun – and rosettes as well. Who said ex-racehorses are difficult ? Ok, so it wasn’t Horse Of The Year Show – and never will be, with us. But whatever placings we do or don’t get in the future, Big H will always be Supreme Champion to me.
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